Monday, November 15, 2010

Let's Be Honest

Let’s be honest,
No one wants to know what it feels like to be in pain from a love gone bad
No one feels like they want the burden of wanting to know what it feels like to have butterflies in their tummy when they hear a voice or see a person
We run from the experiences of life in the name of preventing a potential walk of shame
How do we grow if we don’t learn from life’s wealth?
How do I guarantee myself to be one you can love if I know not how to love?
You will never be able to tell the tales of when you fell in love and bite your lower lip
You will never be able to tell a bitter story and shed a tear in the process
I cannot have my cake and eat it all
I cannot want half of what someone’s got to offer and not be ready to deal with the full package
Being selfish is part of growing up where we deny ourselves things to reach our destiny
Being selfish is not warranted when in a relationship with another person
My values may or may not sustain us nor will yours
My vice and yours too will however bring us down and take us back to one
Love comes from everyone and comes in all shapes and sizes
Love that is true comes from you; yourself
Accept that you can love and that you can be loved
Accept that you can make a step into the unknown and come out alive
Do not linger in darkness hoping to find me
Do not wonder in the corridors hoping to come in
Doors are wide and windows there too to let out bad air
Doors are there for us to walk into peoples’ lives and walk out when we feel we cannot do this any more
I cannot continue living wondering what was waiting if I jumped
I cannot imagine living knowing I was too afraid to approach you when I could
Let’s be honest this life would be a lie if I never told you how much I felt for you
It would be fictitious to imagine I will live this life with you in it and not cringe at the thought of never telling you
I want to be honest with myself in this life but what will it take…
I cannot expect you to be honest with me if I cannot be honest with you
Let’s be honest, I don’t want to lie to you
…I want to be honest
~Yours Truly


  1. Great to have u back.... Why so much pain my dear??

  2. Ray, just reality setting in and as you know I never keep it to myself I speak my mind!

  3. this so relates with what I feel right now but for me after pulling my walls down and daring to love, I think it best to pull them up again, will never ever step into the unknown again, ever!!! LOL

    Good write gal na usipotee sana, we need to read more of this.....:-)


Readers of my heart