Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I will always be her baby

I have torrential moments
Where the torments in my mind take residence
I run to my mother as tears uncontrollable well up
I smell her cooking outside before I get into the house
She opens the door and welcomes me with a hug
I rest my head on her bosom as I continue to sob away
My words swallowed by my cries
As I attempt to explain my predicament
She holds me so gently and reassures me
“bas baby,”
And now the flood gates open
My heart weeps with me as the aches just seem irreparable
She laughs because it gives her comfort
To know that her baby is still in there
That she is still useful
She tucks me into my sister’s bed and just stays in bed with me
She does not know what it is
But she will stay until her baby stops the crying
I fall into a deep sleep that is only induced when in my mother’s arms
And I wake up to her smile
Her undying love for me
Even at 30…
I will always be her baby
Yours truly

Readers of my heart