Tuesday, November 30, 2010

242 to 2011

I can feel my heart beating through my chest

I can feel blood pumping through my veins

But I swallow hard because I am not sure

I know I need to do this

I know that it is for good

But I breathe hard because I am not sure

I can see my hands shaking

I can see my life changing

But I shake my head because I am not sure

My journey starts tonight and I might not be sure

But I am sure that He is holding my hand

He will calm my nerves to have peace during this journey

I know He will be waiting to dry my tears

For I know that this journey won't be easy

My whole being will submit wholly to Him

I will pray myself through this journey

Because through prayer I will come out victorious

242 to 2011

Yours Truly


Monday, November 15, 2010

Let's Be Honest

Let’s be honest,
No one wants to know what it feels like to be in pain from a love gone bad
No one feels like they want the burden of wanting to know what it feels like to have butterflies in their tummy when they hear a voice or see a person
We run from the experiences of life in the name of preventing a potential walk of shame
How do we grow if we don’t learn from life’s wealth?
How do I guarantee myself to be one you can love if I know not how to love?
You will never be able to tell the tales of when you fell in love and bite your lower lip
You will never be able to tell a bitter story and shed a tear in the process
I cannot have my cake and eat it all
I cannot want half of what someone’s got to offer and not be ready to deal with the full package
Being selfish is part of growing up where we deny ourselves things to reach our destiny
Being selfish is not warranted when in a relationship with another person
My values may or may not sustain us nor will yours
My vice and yours too will however bring us down and take us back to one
Love comes from everyone and comes in all shapes and sizes
Love that is true comes from you; yourself
Accept that you can love and that you can be loved
Accept that you can make a step into the unknown and come out alive
Do not linger in darkness hoping to find me
Do not wonder in the corridors hoping to come in
Doors are wide and windows there too to let out bad air
Doors are there for us to walk into peoples’ lives and walk out when we feel we cannot do this any more
I cannot continue living wondering what was waiting if I jumped
I cannot imagine living knowing I was too afraid to approach you when I could
Let’s be honest this life would be a lie if I never told you how much I felt for you
It would be fictitious to imagine I will live this life with you in it and not cringe at the thought of never telling you
I want to be honest with myself in this life but what will it take…
I cannot expect you to be honest with me if I cannot be honest with you
Let’s be honest, I don’t want to lie to you
…I want to be honest
~Yours Truly

Monday, October 11, 2010

Virtual Pain

I need you but you just to far away from my reality; 
I reach to you but your virtual touch does nothing;
My tears are real but you wipe your screen;
When I walk up to you, you barely recognize me because I'm not the one you know in the virtualland;
How much more can I take because to be real & not feel in virtualland is a process but in real life even harder
I need you but you just to far away from my reality
~Yours Truly~

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Falling Hard and Fast

To fall so deep
The risk is to not knowing whether there is anyone to catch you at the bottom
Yet my wish it to fall into your arms
Descend into a stupor of love
Have nothing to fear
Trust you and only you
To catch me
And not let me hit the ground
Catch me because I am coming down
…hard and fast
And thus this explains all of my dreams
Where I wake up in a sweat,
And then I open my eyes whilst on my bedroom floor
And realize that it was a dream
I sigh because I hope
I wish
And I pray for you to catch me
To catch me
And not let me hit the ground
Catch me because I am coming down
…hard and fast

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I will always be her baby

I have torrential moments
Where the torments in my mind take residence
I run to my mother as tears uncontrollable well up
I smell her cooking outside before I get into the house
She opens the door and welcomes me with a hug
I rest my head on her bosom as I continue to sob away
My words swallowed by my cries
As I attempt to explain my predicament
She holds me so gently and reassures me
“bas baby,”
And now the flood gates open
My heart weeps with me as the aches just seem irreparable
She laughs because it gives her comfort
To know that her baby is still in there
That she is still useful
She tucks me into my sister’s bed and just stays in bed with me
She does not know what it is
But she will stay until her baby stops the crying
I fall into a deep sleep that is only induced when in my mother’s arms
And I wake up to her smile
Her undying love for me
Even at 30…
I will always be her baby
Yours truly

Monday, February 22, 2010

I know not

I bit my lower lip
Curl up my toes
Deep in thought
Head buried in layers of pillows
Looking out for the first rays of the sun as they dance in the horizon
Idyllic sensations
Restless tummy
Anticipation of the unknown
Never a pleasant thing
But this one time tis a bitter sweet feeling
The agony of not knowing suggests delight
Nerves on the edge
Stand the hairs on my body
Salute the uncertainty and reckless emotions
Wild imagination contemplating attempts on my heart
Why is it never easy?
Just sleep and let be
Dream life and live life in deep sleep
Sun don’t rise
Eyes shut

Yours Truly

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Flower; My Life

I see a flower and I see a life
With colors that light up my heart
With disco lights…I’m away
Pleasant scents dancing in the air
Radiance of beauty upon my home
Petals so delicate
As fragile as my heart
One touch would open me up
Or fold me into my bud
So I lookout for my heart with thorns all around me
To keep me from withering and frailty
And in the wind I dance to the melodies of Mother Nature
I then reach to the sky for a dose of the sun’s rays
And there I thrive;
The rain falls down, to bathe me
And that one drop lingering on my petals
Then ever so gracefully moves smoothly falling to the earth
Moist I remain to relish in my heart forever
I present to you…
…my flower

Yours Truly

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wonderful Person You Are

Your tenderness is the calming and true effect that I require to keep my flame of hope on
One cannot not enjoy your charisma
Charmer to the end….a default on your part
Effortless and you know when to and when not to
You make my fantasy seem like such a reality
How can one live with thine-self with such good character traits
And still not be appreciated for the simplicity that you bring to the table
You have ensured that I am comfortable in your space and you in mine
I have held your hands and you held mine
We rub shoulders and it sparks up the lights that burst with such flicker
A starry end product that can only describe what a wonderful person you are
You are a wonderful person

As I continue to grow...I have learnt one great story that evolves on a daily

I know this is a sticky topic. No one wants to hear this coming from another lady or a man, but it is true. I thank God because of the various experiences I have been through in life and especially seeing things happening around me. 2009 was great 2010 even greater :)

I also had the chance of reading Steve Harvey’s Act like a lady, Think like a man. People say he is the generic speak of all other writers who try and address issues around ‘how to be in a relationship and come out successful’. In my mind I think he wrote this book just to remind us, men and women, the basic etiquette of conducting ourselves around each other. He does not introduce anything that is foreign or we were never taught in life, he addresses the things I believe we take for granted.

I have seen many women and men destroy their core values in the name of being in a relationship. Where you compromise your own beliefs in how to carry yourself in life and yet think it is going to be well. You allow a person into your life for a very simple reason; you like them and have similar interests in life. If not, you are trying to create a mirage and hope for the best. The sad thing here is that you end up wasting a lot of time trying to form this perfect person in your mind when in real sense there is no such thing as perfect. Only Christ.

Spending the irreversible currency of time on someone else who will not even think of doing the same on you is an injustice. At the risk of sounding like a feminist, I would like to humbly say that we are our own slayers. Severing this behavior is not an overnight task. It calls for a mind shift. I think we must be the bigger person in whatever happened in a past relationship – you may have been cheated on, you may have been deceived into investing money that cannot be salvaged ever, you may have been physically or emotionally abused or battered to submission – whatever the case, it’s never that serious!

Easier said than done Elsie you might say. I agree, it is not easy to lift what is in the mind into practice. But it may call for dedication on your part of the tallest order. I have found that facing these monsters head on using resentment and hate may not be the resolve. Even going round and exerting the same avenge on another person in the name of causing the entire sex to feel your wrath is also not the cause.

We have a tendency of being so vulnerable after these kinds of experiences, but who’s to blame you, you are human with feelings. But how we deal with these feelings sometimes is questionable. Sometimes you say, “I feel like the world should just sallow me,” “how could he/she do this to me,” “I’m not sure I will ever trust again,” etc. Sound familiar? Here’s a spanner in the works, it’s all on you. The task to ensure that you rise to the next play lies in your hands.

Firstly, recognize and acknowledge the pain, anger and all the terrible things that you could be feeling for the person and yourself as well. Then say a prayer and ask for the Lord to carry you through this difficult time, that He might also give you wisdom to discern those whom you need to surround yourself with at the time. Most times we are predisposed to drinking our pain out or just locking yourself up whilst lowering your self-esteem because you may not be happy about the part you played in causing all of this. So it is imperative that you forgive yourself and the person who caused you the grief if you are in to get past this brief glitch.

Secondly, take your time and space out from the relationship sphere. I don’t care how much you feel the need to be loved or to love someone back, give yourself time to heal and recover. Allow yourself to regroup and think up your plan-of-action going forward. You cannot NOT have a plan. Take a pen and paper and write down the things you may have learnt verse the things that you do not see yourself repeating. With this, keep reiterating it to yourself whenever you feel you are about to make the same error. If you must, print it out and pack it in your laptop bag or bedside table and just keep encouraging yourself that you will get past this.

Lastly, if and when you feel ready to get back into the dating scene, remember that not the first person you meet is the match-made-in-heaven for you. Have fun; take it easy; what’s the hurry people? You may have heard this before; no one can love another before loving oneself. This goes for respect as well. If anything, do this one thing whilst you time-out and I guarantee you will begin to attract only good people and even bad but you will have the eye to identify “the enemy” after a while.

God has a plan for each and every one of us. We have to firstly embrace His plan and not rush to execute our own at the risk of exposing ourselves to hurt. I close 2009 by telling you that there is someone out there for everyone. Let’s stop this battle of the sexes and go back to the place where our mothers’ and fathers’ did it. Let’s go back to our traditional values that we should pass on to our children and the generations to come. Let your armor down because it is by getting hit that you know how to barricade yourself from being hit. Let your heart be turned flesh again…let the ice fall away and let God who is the author of your life script your journey as you live it through.
God bless you and a happy and successful 2010 in everything you do in your life.

PS: Steve Harvey’s book comes highly recommended to those who have not read it.

Readers of my heart