Tuesday, November 30, 2010

242 to 2011

I can feel my heart beating through my chest

I can feel blood pumping through my veins

But I swallow hard because I am not sure

I know I need to do this

I know that it is for good

But I breathe hard because I am not sure

I can see my hands shaking

I can see my life changing

But I shake my head because I am not sure

My journey starts tonight and I might not be sure

But I am sure that He is holding my hand

He will calm my nerves to have peace during this journey

I know He will be waiting to dry my tears

For I know that this journey won't be easy

My whole being will submit wholly to Him

I will pray myself through this journey

Because through prayer I will come out victorious

242 to 2011

Yours Truly



  1. Naburi..what a wonderful piece....how can we ever thank you,honor you for have an awesome personality and the way you put it on paper...it leaves us speechless though humbled

  2. The 's' word, submission; it takes strength to do it. I wish you wisdom and strength on your journey. Shalom.


Readers of my heart