Monday, February 22, 2010

I know not

I bit my lower lip
Curl up my toes
Deep in thought
Head buried in layers of pillows
Looking out for the first rays of the sun as they dance in the horizon
Idyllic sensations
Restless tummy
Anticipation of the unknown
Never a pleasant thing
But this one time tis a bitter sweet feeling
The agony of not knowing suggests delight
Nerves on the edge
Stand the hairs on my body
Salute the uncertainty and reckless emotions
Wild imagination contemplating attempts on my heart
Why is it never easy?
Just sleep and let be
Dream life and live life in deep sleep
Sun don’t rise
Eyes shut

Yours Truly

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Flower; My Life

I see a flower and I see a life
With colors that light up my heart
With disco lights…I’m away
Pleasant scents dancing in the air
Radiance of beauty upon my home
Petals so delicate
As fragile as my heart
One touch would open me up
Or fold me into my bud
So I lookout for my heart with thorns all around me
To keep me from withering and frailty
And in the wind I dance to the melodies of Mother Nature
I then reach to the sky for a dose of the sun’s rays
And there I thrive;
The rain falls down, to bathe me
And that one drop lingering on my petals
Then ever so gracefully moves smoothly falling to the earth
Moist I remain to relish in my heart forever
I present to you…
…my flower

Yours Truly

Readers of my heart