Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wonderful Person You Are

Your tenderness is the calming and true effect that I require to keep my flame of hope on
One cannot not enjoy your charisma
Charmer to the end….a default on your part
Effortless and you know when to and when not to
You make my fantasy seem like such a reality
How can one live with thine-self with such good character traits
And still not be appreciated for the simplicity that you bring to the table
You have ensured that I am comfortable in your space and you in mine
I have held your hands and you held mine
We rub shoulders and it sparks up the lights that burst with such flicker
A starry end product that can only describe what a wonderful person you are
You are a wonderful person


  1. I'm flattered that you again chose to write about me!lol..
    Elle.. I'm such a groupie of your work.. Anything you touch..turns into an outburst of Gr8 emotion and it forever moves me! I hope one day,someone can write about me in the words you've used!

  2. Ray, everyone's got a somebody...so fret not my darling...she will scribble you in her heart and you will be the only person with the language to unlock that literature :) I appreciate your comments always darling;~))

  3. excellent work my dear. that won an iso certified smile :-) and ul know who it is by this simple comment. do u want some head?

  4. Cheers master ;) copied loud and clear!!!

  5. thanks for writing I had kinda veered off after you hadn't written for a while.
    I loved this line:

    We rub shoulders and it sparks up the lights that burst with such flicker

    I will definitely be rubbing plenty of shoulders in 2010.

    Thanks for being a light in that sense of poetry.


Readers of my heart